Monday 30 January 2012


Yes, I'm still here. Kinda. It's just the combination of a busy Christmas period and my January urge to hibernate kicking in.

How a about a quick run-down of events?

My birthday was a bit of a shambles (again), apparently Sunday after Friday clubbing is not the best day for people to leave their homes. I'd gone out on Friday myself, to Imaginarium, which was the most hyped-up-and-didn't-quite-deliver event of the year. Not entirely bad, their intentions and ideas were good, they just need a bit of fine tuning and organising. They running another one end of March and I'm going again, they deserve another try. If they don't get their act together then, I'm out. But anyway, so I stayed sober and went home in the morning, slept and baked cupcakes. All good. And I had some people showing up on Sunday, just not as many as I'd hoped. I'll try again next year, then.

The week after was Jay's birthday drinkies, in town and on a Saturday, which seems to be the better plan. Made people feel a bit guilty for not rocking up at mine and had a good time. The weekend after that was the Monkey's birthday bash, a lot less civilized but also a lot of fun. Spent the week before Christmas a tiny bit broken.

I went home for Christmas, like every year. My dad would disown me otherwise. For the first time in, errrr, years, Heathrow didn't descend into chaos, my flight left on time and everything was groovy. Christmas at my parent's house was good as always, I ate way too much and returned two days before NYE, again without any issues.

NYE started off at T & B's, where, looking back, I should've stayed for much longer as the other party was more of a chillage, but I'd also promised Fliss to drop by which I did. A good start to the year, didn't break myself too badly.

A week into the new year I got struck down by the lurgy of DOOM (probably shouldn't have radiated smugness when other people told me they're sick). It started of with me sneezing non-stop on Tuesday afternoon and had me staying home on Wednesday. I dragged myself into work the next day for a movie screening which wasn't the best idea ever, so I stayed home on Friday just because. The whole drama ended with a week long, rather impressive cough.

I'm now all healthy again. Still pretty overweight from stuffing my face with too much stuff before/during/after Christmas, but I'm slowly getting down from fat to less fat. As soon as my period's over (which has been a bit random recently due to stopping the pill) I'm determined to go back to Bikram. I shall not be chubby in Summer!

Oh, and I got myself a Kindle for Christmas! I'm in love. It's awesome. I could finally read The Wise Man's Fear (by Patrick Rothfuss), which is absolutely excellent. It  made my heart sing and my brain chuckle, which is quite an achievement. If you like some well-written, thought-through fantasy in beautiful language, the book's for you. Unfortunately the author's a tad slow with writing the sequels, it took him 5 years from book 1 to book 2. I really hope he's faster this time. Can't wait!

So much for the catch up.

Another recent development is that I seem to be getting my rock chick back on again. It started with me getting all hormonal and having a massive Jared Leto stalk on the interwebs (more of that in another post, methinks). I love his movies, he's more than just eye-candy and I'm actually starting to like his band, too. This would be worrying if I hadn't decided goth out more this year, anyway. There's a trip to the Electric Ballroom in the cards pretty soon.

I refuse to be boring or get bored. Simple as that.