Sunday 28 February 2010

The Elysian Project


As you could probably guess from lack of updates, the week wasn't particularly eventful. I've managed to get an interview for the upcoming role in my team, which will be better paid (+5k) & permanent (hooray). Now all I have to do is to get the job.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it, but some of the people I know have been busy setting up an event company/music label (The Virus Project) and these people put on a rave on Friday. It was a co-operation with other event organisators, ALAN and Wonderland. I knew it wouldn't be totally my cup of tea music wise, but I was intrigued to find out what they're doing & if they're any good, so I bought a ticket for £10 and, John in tow, ventured down to Vauxhall on Friday.

There was a pretty serious queue going on when we got there, but having advance tickets we were able to jump it. The decoration of the venue was simply amazing. I'm somewhat of a regular at Hidden as most of Planet Angel's parties are there and have seen the venue "naked" (very bleak & dark) & in all kinds of disguises. Angel usually do a great job making it look pretty, but Wonderland must work with magic or something. They transformed a rather dull set of rooms into something resembling a children's book. There were lampshades dangling from the ceiling, a clock you could walk through, random doors, mushrooms you could sit on & tunnels to crawl through. The outside area featured a wishing well & more mushrooms. Apparently the guys who were supposed to run the shisha cafe had got too stoned while setting up & were nowhere to be found. 

The music had it's moments, one of them being Celladore's set which started out a bit weird & transformed into something quite banging halfway through & I think Wingnut would've been great if his set wouldn't have been at 4am when most of us were tired already. But most of the tunes were a tad weird (I'm never going to understand the attraction of Glitch, whatever that is) & while the people were friendly, most of them were also really young. I had a good night, but got a bit bored by the end. My friends must've felt the same as we piled into a taxi & headed for the afterparty way before the event was scheduled to end.

The day passed in a pleasant, somewhat hazy way. We played lots of games & had quite a few giggles, people stayed awake & conscious throughout. The evening ended with us ordering a take-away & me getting the bus home.

I'm feeling a bit tired today & my nose has reached a totally new dimension of blocked, but other than that I'm doing rather well. I've been down to the tube station to renew my travelcard (having forgotten my bank card yesterday), to Holland & Barrett to get tasty vegetarian chorizo, to Boots to get nasal spray & stock up on painkillers and Sainsbury's to get a few bits & bobs for dinner that I'm going to cook either tonight or tomorrow (the latter is currently more likely). I've done the laundry & hoovered my room, even translated a quick email for John. One wouldn't guess that it's an after-afterparty Sunday, really. 

Next week's plans so far are a visit to the angelic planet on Friday & of course that interview on Tuesday. I've turned down a free ticket to see Mama Mia tomorrow from Lynn because, frankly, I don't think I'd be able to survive two hours of ABBA tunes without going mental. 

All in all, things are pretty good (but I'd still like to add a little whinge about being single...).

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Healthy Eating

So I still have those pesky Xmas kilos sitting on my hips. They've been refusing to shift, and while I can loose a kilo or so on a clubbing weekend, it comes back once I start eating again. I also want to make sure that I'm getting all the nutrients that I need, what with being vegan & not particularly keen on catching another cold this winter. 

I've recently been to a (free) health check-up courtesy of the NHS (for people over 40, but they don't take that limit too seriously) & apparently my heart attack risk is about 0.3%. Yes, really. I've got sensationally low cholesterol levels (2.5, 5 is normal) but unfortunately my risk of getting type II diabetes & high blood sugar ain't that low (thanks, mum). I also very much don't approve of being chubbier than I need to be.

This is why I've been doing a little research on healthy eating, with focus on what people who don't eat meat, dairy & eggs should consume, and how much of it.
One might think that vegans have a reasonably healthy diet, but it's really not that hard to be vegan & eat junk food. Only that it's a differnt kind of junk food, as we're obviously not prone to pop into a kebab shop or get a massive artery clogging fry up. But chips, crisps (even some "meat flavoured" ones) & chocolate are vegan (or there's vegan versions of them). Portion sizes can be a problem, too. I've noticed that the amount of food I eat has gone up quite a bit during the winter months & I feel I've lost perspective of what constitutes a "normal" portion somewhat. According to the interwebs, one serving of cooked rice should be one cup. I'm easily eating twice that amount.

An omnivore food pyramid looks approximately like this

while a vegan food pyramid is more like this

Basically, as long as you eat truckloads of veggies & fruit you should be alright. Unfortunately, I'm quite fond of all things carbohydrate, especially in winter. Last summer I found it relatively easy to only eat fruit before noon & a massive salad for lunch, but right now all I want is to dive head first into something (soy) creamy, starchy & decidedly unhealthy. I only get real chocolate cravings when it's that-time-of-month and when that hits there is no way of stopping me from inhaling a bar of chocolate unless someone is prepared to risk their life in doing so (& even then I'd probably get my chocolate fix in the end).

Then there's the exercise drama. I know I should move more, but I very much don't like gyms (well, if I had my own I would be alright) & public pools only wreck my nerves (again, if I had my own private pool I'd be happily swimming along). Basically, I don't like sharing my excercise experience with other people. And unfortunately I'm not much of a runner. Never have been, never will be.

My current solution to that problem is trying to get back into ashtanga yoga again. So far, I've managed to get some form of sun salutation into each evening this week. Yesterday I actually managed to go through the full set of them (5 easy ones, 5 hard ones) before breaking down, today I've done 5 easy ones & 2 hard ones before my arms gave up. The aim is to do the full set AND still be able to move, because in the end they're just the warm up for more stretchy things. I'm also still having visions of me bouncing about on a rebounder...

I know that my body wants to move, it feels happier if I do & I have the sneaking suspicion that I need to move if I want to get belwo that 70kg mark.

Same goes for healthy eating. My soul needs comfort food, but my body really appreciates the healthy stuff.

Now, all we need is body & soul to communicate better & I'd be fine. Yeah, right.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

In The Sandpit

Yesterday was on of those days that start out quite rubbish & then turn into a day where the rain stops just when you're about to leave work, traffic lights turn green when you approach them & tubes arrive just when you get to the platform (& you get a seat, of course).

I woke up to a minor nail polish disaster - the sparkly stuff that still looked alright when I went to bed had managed to disintegrate overnight & half of it came off in the shower. I wasn't amused. To make matters worse it was a morning where everything just takes that tiny bit longer than usual. I was running spectacularly late once I'd done my usual things & taken off the nail varnish. There was no way I'd even make my "late" train, so I opted to get the tube to Willesden Junction (there's more trains going from there) & wing it.

That's about the point where things started to go right again. The train I would've missed was late, which meant I caught it after all. I just missed the bus when I got to Gunnersbury, but the next one arrived shortly afterwards. At work no one had really noticed that I was 15 minutes late. All good.

We're still extremely busy & that didn't change during the weekend. Still, I managed to get all the stuff done that I needed to do & could leave on time. Which was just as well, as I had places to go.

I took the train to Waterloo & tried to find something to eat before heading to the Royal Festival Hall. Cue a discussion with the guys from Upper Crust who tried to sell me a tuna salad sandwich as being vegetarian (have they started growing tuna on trees, or what?) & a brie, tomato & rocket salad as not containing cheese (we all know that brie is a vegetable, don't we?). I decided to opt for the vegetable yaki soba from Wasabi.

Munching my dinner I arrived at the Spirit Level of the Royal Festival Hall & joined the queue to sign up for games to play at the Sandpit. Unfortunately there were a million people in front of me who obviously didn't have to treck in all the way from Osterley, so by the time I got to the sign up desk all games were already fully booked. Somewhat miffed I had a wonder around to at least get an idea what's on offer so that next time I'd know if it's worth rushing into town after work. I was almost on my way out when I heard that one group was looking for a player as one of the ones who'd signed up hadn't shown up. That's how I became the forth player of Broken Arrow 1.

Our goal was to save a young man from heartbreak by solving riddles, finding people, fighting a pretty scary clown & trading a bottle full of beans for a box of beauty. Our last task involved rustling up a small crowd to create a living picture. We succeeded & the young man was reunited with his love.

It was a fun hour & I made my home smiling to myself. I like when things work out that way.

Today was another busy workday, with a brief moment of pissed-off-ness when I discovered that there were research jobs put on the internet that no one had told me of. For some reason they've decided to look for a research executive to fill the gap my colleague who's a senior research exec is leaving. I also thought that my boss' job was on there as well & was serverely annoyed, but a closer inspection of the role revealed that it was for a sales researcher. I'm tempted to apply for the media research manager job shouldn't there be a suitable content role for me. My boss will be back from holiday next week, so I'm hoping thing will move on a bit then. Otherwise I'll have to active all my recruitment agent contact again & leave.

Tonight's going to be quiet, watching Vampire Diaries on ITV & relaxing. In any case I should not spent any more money, it seems to be flowing through my hands like mad at the moment. I've bought a ticket for Beardyman yesterday (yay!), a momiji doll that was just too cute not to buy & a ticket for the Underground Restaurant we seem to have here in Kilburn. Together with the tickets for the Elysian Project & Planet Angel I bought last week all of this is quite some dosh spent on amusement. It'll all be huge fun, I'm sure, but I'm a bit worried that I'm spending more than what I've got coming in at the moment as my salary's just pathetic.

Judging by my horoscopes which exude large amounts of hope for a better future at the moment all will be fine, but it's probably better to be a tiny bit careful.

Sunday 21 February 2010

I've Got The Poison, I've Got The Remedy


Last night was a bit underwhelming. I did meet my friends, tho, which was nice. 
I managed to get ready without any major wardrobe drama, mostly coz dressing up for goth stuff is a lot easier than dressing up for a rave. You can skip all that cutie/nice/fluffy stuff & head straight for the black eyeliner. I still couldn't resist wearing purple/black stripey tights. You have to have some standards. 

I'd been listening to some mix from one of the Antidote DJs while getting ready & having a right bounce around my room. It was an excellent ebm/electro meets trance affair & I was glad to find that my inner goth & my inner psy-trance bunny get along really well & were ready to party it up.

Went past Camden to collect John (who for some reason was wearing a bright blue t-shirt, hmmm) & we took the bus over to Old Street as it quite conveniently stops in front of his house. Had a brief getting lost in Hoxton moment, the venue was somewhat hidden. Right next to Cargo.

When we got to ANTIDOTE it was, errrr, quiet to say the least. Looked like only the DJ and his friends were there. It stayed like that for another 30 minutes or so, the music kept repeating itself for some reason. Then people started trickling in, including some of my lovely friends. The venue, La Ti Ri (or something) was tiny, so it filled up quickly. But the night never really took off. There was some dancing & drinking, but it felt more like a house party in a bar than anything else. And if I want a house party I go to a house party & not pay £4 for it, to be honest. People all seemed to know each other & in any case it was probably more of a "let's pass the time until Slimelight" thing than a fresh club night that wants to be taken seriously.

Finally called it a night around 1am & got the night bus to Camden, picked up some chips there & then got the N31 home. 

Unless Antidote gets it's act together & makes a bit more effort, I'm not going there again. It's really disappointing how most club nights are totally rubbish. Maybe I'm just very spoiled.

Today is a lazy day for me. I don't quite fancy shopping & it's not nice enough to go for a walk 'n stuff. It's all good, though, I've got dvds to watch & the interwebs to keep me entertained.

Saturday 20 February 2010

The Sun & The Rain


"It's like being molested by a sleeping bag that speaks Comic Sans with little love-hearts over the i's."

"It's not that I mind that my steerage cocoon is a slut, but if I don't get some decent conversation en route, I'll go mad before we arrive."

I'm loving the new book I got. It's beautifully written (although I do have the suspicion I've managed to happen upon sci-fi porn) & so far I've found the story quite engaging. It's definitely the right thing to keep me from having to look at (or talk to) fellow passengers on the train. Not that I mind too much, but they're mostly boring & tend to freak a little if you smile at them.

To no surprise, after that really nice day on Wednesday life threw some minor curveballs... we drowned in rain on Thursday, work was extremely busy & I'm slowly getting fed up with not knowing if I'll get a permanent contract coz I think I'm doing a brilliant job. I probably wouldn't be so pissed off if the pay was any better, but not being able to save money & having to think twice about buying certain stuff annoys me. I know that in some ways I consciously fuqed up the interview at MTV (I didn't really prepare for it, for once) & am now having doubts that maybe that job would've been better than what I've got now. I'm pretty certain that I wouldn't have enjoyed doing sales research again that much, tho.

I didn't go out last night & ended up watching a really bad vampire movie. It wasn't even bad in a good way, it was just plain bad. I still watched Bitten till the bitter end, hoping it would maybe get better, but it just didn't. What a waste of almost 2 hours. The director should be shot, please.

Today, after a nice lie-in until 11am, I trecked over to Camden to spend too much money at Whole Foods, but now got tasty vegan cheeze, tempeh & some other expensive, but presumably tasty snacks. I'm going to Antidote tonight, which I hope is worth the journey to Old Street. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, I really want to go to that vegan restaurant in West Kensington, but people are broke and/or not interested. Maybe I venture down to Oxford Street & have a browse around the shops. Haven't done that for ages, mainly because I still feel too fat to go shopping & have been quite uninspired as to what look I'd want to go for.

Can we have spring now, please?

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Better Day(s)


Today was one of those days where nothing really happens & still stuff does.

It started this morning when I left the house & someone shouted "good morning to you" at me out of a car & waved. It was a fabulously sunny day & it almost felt like spring, so I ventured over to the Tesco's in lunchbreak & found the illusive vegan parmesan substitute I had been reading about in various blogs. I haven't tried it yet, but most things are better than nooch (nutritional yeast, which is pretty revolting). Also spontaneously put together my dinner menu while walking around the shop. Work was busy, so the time passed quickly and on my way to the shuttle bus a woman told me that she thinks the colour of my hair is amazing!

After work I went past the Waterstone's in Finchley Road to stock up on reading material. I had put out a request for book recommendations on Facebook & got quite a good response. I keep forgetting that my friends are major geeks, which is one reason why I love them so much, of course. Ended up buying two books & now also have a mahoosive to-read list, which is awesome because not knowing what to read next can send me into a small panic. Once home I purchased tickets for Alice in Wonderland screening at the IMAX for 6, bought a ticket for the Elysian Project, which is a party run by some of my friends (we have established by now that they're awesome, right?) & a ticket for the next Planet Angel (who am I kidding, I'm going). I also updated my bookmooch wishlist to reflect my newly grown books-to-read list & already found 2 of the books I want (although one of them is currently in Australia, so not sure if I'll get it).

Proceeded to cook some nasi goreng flavoured stir fry but had bran flakes with vanilla yofu for dinner (tasty!), because I keep eating way too much & a large meal twice a day can't be good for losing weight.

Can't help but feel that I should say THANK YOU to the universe for a pretty good day!

Sunday 14 February 2010

Up, Down & All Around


I kinda regained my normal level of wakefulness sometime around Thursday afternoon. I still wasn't really up for lots of activities & blame it on the weather. Hey, I'm living in the UK, after all.

I could've gone out Friday evening to some pub electro DJ thing or other, but it was cold, wet & generally not very pleasant outside (see, all that talk about the weather, I'm turning British) and I couldn't really be arsed.

Yesterday I ventured over to Camden, to get that wrap skirt I'd seen but didn't buy because of lack of cash. It had gone on sale, down to £25 from £35, so the waiting turned out ok in the end. And the skirt I wanted was still there, hooray! And because I just cannot go to the market & not buy other shit, I also acquired a necklace with a large oval green glass pendant & a necklace with red plastic stars. Classy, I know. I also bought myself a collar to complement my TG outfit (worked a treat, didn't get all those pesky subby guys asking if I want to be their mistress).

So, yes, TG. I haven't been to Torture Garden for quite a while, I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Not having a partner also tipped the scales in giving it a miss more often than not. But Liam had rounded up some people to go to the Valentine's Ball & I figured that going in a large group would be alright. I put together a pretty decent outfit (black corset, black tutu, fishnets & extremely gothy boots & pigtails, the gothic doll look) and went down to Brixton to meet up with Liam & Nicola's gang. The people were alright. Nothing more, nothing less. We chatted for a bit, some taxi ordering chaos ensued & in the end we made it to SE1 well after midnight. Queued for the tickets, queued for the cloakroom, queued for the bar. It was incredibly busy, as most big TG balls are & I really wasn't impressed. We wandered for a bit, I ignored one of Nicola's friend's attempts to chat me up (so not interested), then went off by myself. Bumped into other people I know, which was cool, engaged in some people watching, which was nice as well. Danced a bit, sat around for a bit. It wasn't really bad, but it wasn't really good, either. Anyway, we stayed till the end, somehow, but it was still another 45 minutes until the tube started running when they kicked us out. Not wanting to take the bus & definitely not wanting to hang around London Bridge station for almost an hour, I went back to Brixton for the afterparty. Got some breakfast on the way (a rather depressing egg & tomato sandwich, yuck) & got changed into normal clothes. Gave the whole afterparty thing a go, but I'm so spoiled in regards to afterparties thanks to my amazing friends that this party just didn't cut it. One of the guys in the group had also managed to chat up a girl last minute (we'd seen him get turned down by a girl around 5.30am, so he'd only had a very brief window to find another one, but he'd done it) & she was getting on my nerves big time. She was the perfect example that just because you're a doctor (psychiatrist, apparently) doesn't mean you're intelligent. She was very girly, very chatty & very over him. The others were politely ignoring her, but the whole vibe of the party wasn't great, so I said my goodbyes around 8am & made my way home.

Got back around 9am, exhausted but not very tired. I had a little pick-me-up early in the night, nothing else after that, but my body seemed to think that it's daytime & therefore we're awake. Hmph. Managed to claim 2 hours or so of sleep before giving up around noon. It seems that once I'm past a certain time (6 or 7am, I guess) I just can't fall asleep properly. I usually drift into a state of not being quite conscious, but it's hard work & the results are not great. It's always been like that. I can have lie-ins, but not for much longer than noon or 1pm, no matter what time I went to bed. It's worse when I'm drunk, so alcohol is not an option, either. And I don't do daytime naps. They completely fuq me up. If I manage to fall asleep at all during daytime, after waking up again I'll spend the rest of the day in a zombie-like trance. The only option I have once I'm past that magical threshold of snooze is to stay awake until the evening. Unfortunately that doesn't entail alertness, I'm still tired & shouldn't be let anywhere near heavy machinery, traffic or people.

This is why I love afterparties (my friends' afterparties, not any afterparty) so much, because they get me through that day relatively painlessly. I have to make sure not to overdo it & actually kill the next night's sleep as well, but I'm getting better at that.

I'm hoping that I can properly catch up on sleep tonight & don't drag the sleep dep into next week. Work's busy, my boss is on holiday, I'm trying to make a good impression & my colleague has now decided that I'm the one in charge & first point of contact for any questions. Which is nice, as that's what I'm aiming for job wise anyway, but also quite stressful coz in the end I'm not her manager & have only been there for about 2 months.

5 more hours until bedtime.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Shiny Day-Glo Forests On Massive Screens


Ok, I've promised to do a proper review of my AVATAR experience, haven't I? Let's go...

That about sums it up :)

A bit more seriously, it's extremely pretty. Full of wonderful pictures, fantastic landscapes, ultra-day-glow forests, dragon-like creatures & blue, pretty people.

Story? Yes, there is a story. It's actually about at least 3 storylines rolled into one big over the top Love/War, Let's Save The Planet & Get The Girl thing. There's a lot of your average hippy shit (& I mean that in the nicest possible way), the earth is our mother & we have to save her, there's an inter-species love story (I still claim that tails are incredibly sexy *rrrrr*) & there's some random let's just blow shit up action. The characters are pretty flat & one-dimensional, but nice to look at & love/hate. You can guess the ending about half way through.

It's somewhat better if you just forget about the story or just pick out the bits you find interesting & indulge yourself in the scenery, which is absolutely amazing. It's a bit like Myst, a bit like a giant rave (well, how a rave should be), a bit like Amazon explorer. It's just shinyshinyshiny.

Watching AVATAR in the IMAX & in 3D was the best decision ever made. This movie was made for the giant screen & I can't see it working in anything else but 3D. Despite the schizophrenic story I was duly impressed. Everybody should go see it!

4 out of 5 giant blue stars wandering through a day glo forest (it didn't get the full 5 because of the story, sorry)

The Meh's

It's so cold. So incredibly cold. I've also been extremely tired the last few days, probably still due to my weekend shenanigans. Don't seem to be able to catch enough sleep to feel properly awake.

That & not getting a phone call from a certain person has put a damper on my usually quite cheerful mood. It's not that I have fallen in love with him, I wasn't even sure if I'm that interested. But not getting a call has awakened my hunter spirit. If I can't have it, I definitely want it. Until I have it, that is. It's pretty silly, really.

Anyway, let's forget about men for a bit.

I didn't get the job I interviewed for, not that surprised about it because I had the feeling I might've flunked the interview a little. I'm still in discussions with various people at my current job but might have to wait a bit longer until I get some kind of feedback.

We had our department Away Day today, which basically meant spending a day in some hotel meeting room doing team building excercises & presentations. The room was freezing cold most of the day, the food was ok & I'm totally knackered because I was trying hard to make a good impression. Hope it worked.

I'm slowly getting my good mood back. It wasn't as bad as it has been, mainly because I didn't go totally mental. Still, it makes me realise how good I have been feeling the last few months.

Plans for further wreckage this weekend are in place, might go to a pub electro night on Friday & am going to TG on Saturday. No crazy antics this time, I promise! *cough, cough*

Sunday 7 February 2010

Cheerfully Psychotic & Dangerously Cute


Avatar on Thursday was great, but deserves a separate, less sleep deprived entry. I've got home about an hour ago, after leaving last night (Friday) around 10pm. 

Had a nice lie-in Friday morning, after arriving back home in the early hours still buzzing a little bit from the amazing IMAX Avatar session. The afternoon at work was quiet, had another little chat with my boss who basically let me know that he's put in a good word for me with his boss and suggested I have a talk with her in the next two weeks, because he probably won't be able to influence things as he's taken on a new role within the company. So now there's 2 jobs going in my team, one as SRE and one as manager. Eeeep. Haven't heard back from the interview so am assuming I won't be going for a second round. Still, the mind boggles.

As per my usual routine & after looking forward to Planet Angel for most of January, I couldn't really be bothered to go on the actual night. Had a minor wardrobe crisis, brought on by the 3 kgs gained over Christmas that have simply refused to shift so far. Decided on something pretty low-key, but managed to do my hair rather nice with braids & ponytail. Then listened to uplifting music & dragged myself out of the house & in the broad direction of Vauxhall. Arrived at the venue at 11pm, it wasn't particularly busy, said hi to all the people I know & got sent to the mustard cress & wish workshop. Fraser competently & in his usual random fashion led me through the steps of making a wish, putting it into a test tube, adding damp cotton bud & seeds. Then hope for the best. 

I seem to have done something right, coz a nice young man materialized just minutes after I put the lid on my bright orange test tube (I also got called dangerously cute by a girl I chatted to, not sure if that was related as well). We got chatting & subsequently spent most of the night together. I think I totally confused the dancefloors, hence spent too much time on the wrong one wondering why the music was so shite. It obviously didn't occur to me to check the other one. Anyway, we talked a lot & kissed a little and he invited me over to his for a post-party cuddle & movie. I made my usual speech, pointing out that if he's looking for a ONS he'd have to go look somewhere else, which didn't make him run away (!) but instead point out that he wasn't expecting any of this. More kissing & talking ensued and we left for the Docklands sometime around 5 or so. 

He put on "Inglorious Basterds" (really don't see why that movie is great, it was dead boring), we snuggled up on the couch & had an extend cuddle session. Nothing more. Towards the end of the movie he fell asleep in my arms, I waited until the credits rolled & then got ready to leave. Numbers were exchanged (with a little hint from me that if he wants to see me again he'd probably need it, I really hope it was post-party forgetfulness & doesn't mean he's not interested in me) & I left for the bus to take me to Canary Wharf station. From there I called The Zoo, where everyone was still alive & kicking, so I made my way up north & arrived munching baclava at 9am. The afterparty was in full swing, lots more people there than I'd expected. And it was very good! People stayed alive & talkative, I got hugs & a massage, pizza was ordered in the evening & generally a grand time was had. I even got a text from the gentleman from PA. All in all a very pleasant development after my rather irritating confusion earlier.

I'm pretty tired now, but not sure if I'm tired enough to sleep just yet. Out of experience it's no use to try catch the ZZZs before I'm sleepy, so I'll probably spend some more time on the interwebs until I am. I have all of today (Sunday) to recover, I don't feel too wasted so I'm hoping all will be fine. 

Let's see what the morning brings.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

The Lazies


I had those grand plans for Saturday. I didn't really execute any of them.

The day started quite good, I woke up around 10am, pottered around, then realised I had to go to the Post Office to post a BookMooch book. Things got a bit hectic as I didn't know when they close, got there in time but was faced with a mahoosive queue which thankfully did move pretty quick. Book posted I ambled towards Holland & Barrett to see if they had a) vanilla soy yoghurt and b) some other tasty stuffs. They had both. I then popped into Superdrug/Boots & went a bit mad shopping for shower gel & nail polish. Ahem. I seem to be entering a girlie phase again, which normally manifests as me wearing a bit more make-up & suddenly develop an interest for decorating my nails. Found lovely (& cheap) pink/purple & black with colourful sparkly bits nail polish.

I then also went to get some groceries & happily skipped back home, thinking I'd got everything done & now only have to make up my mind if I want to hang out with small children or treck down to Clapham. Once home I realised I wasn't up for either. I really just wanted to relax at home, do fuck all & not talk to anyone. No, I wasn't feeling down, depressed or in any other way bad, I just really didn't want to see people. It was when I was trying to decided if I want to write stuff or just surf the webs that our shower drain felt like clogging up. I'd also discovered that I had forgotten essential foodstuffs. Cue another trip up & down Kilburn High Road.

Was afterwards totally convinced that hell is other people & that I need rest. The remainder of the day was spent not doing much, really. Which was very nice.

Sunday had me feeling slightly more sociable, so I bussed over to Camden for a little bit of shopping. Found a decent tutu to go with corset for TG (I hope, I haven't tried the combi yet) & a cosy, half price fleece skirt. Unfortunately I'd run out of cash when I saw a lovely wrap skirt, which obviously means I have to go to the market again soon.

Promised myself to be totally, entirely more fun & a people person next month (February). 

At some point during the weekend I baked a batch of Chai Latte cupcakes, which are tasty, by the way.

The last 2 days were mainly filled with work, a bit of yoga & train delays. And there was an interview. Yesterday, at that music tv channel. I really can't say how it went, I think I said what they wanted to hear, but all in all the atmosphere wasn't as good & friendly as the one I encountered when I met for the interview at my current job. I haven't heard from them so far, which probably isn't a good sign.

Things at work are changing quite rapidly at the moment, one of my colleages has quit, it looks like there might be a re-shuffle in the team etc. Not sure if that's positive or negative for my cause, I don't really want to compete for the senior exec role with my colleague, who's been there a year but has a lot less experience than I have. If the role's there to apply I will go for it, of course. I'm actually starting to feel slightly stressed again, I don't like things being uncertain like that, especially if it's my money we're talking about.

After all that not doing much on the weekend I've been majorly productive tonight. I came home, did some yoga, dyed my hair (cyber purple, which seems to be neither very cyber nor extremely purple, I'm a bit disappointed), had dinner, did laundry & the dishes, made bed (fresh sheets & duvet cover, hmmmm), attempted watching Howl's Moving Castle but so far have failed (damn you, interwebs).

Tomorrow I'll be going to the IMAX to finally watch Avatar (hooray). Friday I'm going to Planet Angel. Might be spending the rest of the weekend at afterparty & recovering. Or maybe something totally different will happen, just to go with the flow.

Oh, I really don't know at the moment.