Saturday 23 July 2011

Moving Forward

I'm seeing a bit too much of IKEA lately... went there again today, to get boxes for the kitchen and a living room lamp. We still need to buy a coffee table and a rug or two, more curtains for the lounge, venetian blinds for the bedroom would be great as well as currently it gets really bright in my room around 5am, despite having black-out curtains. But that'll have to wait until we get paid, as we're both navigating around the limit at the moment. I also want new glasses and have two fillings that need replacement. Oh, and there's Burning Man, too.

I'm slightly broke.

All of this is not made better by the fact that my ex-flatmates still haven't found a new member for their household, which means I'm still waiting to get my 6 weeks deposit back. I should get my bonus this month, tho, so might avoid total money crisis.

In better news, we have a working shower now, I think, haven't tested it yet as they've only fixed it this afternoon (after it was impossible to turn off and scalding hot even on the coldest setting). We're still working on window issues, they seem to be more severely broken than we originally thought. The keys don't turn, the handles are irreversibly stuck, even a large dose of WD40 couldn't unstick the stuckness. Landlord is now talking to property manager.

Tomorrow there will be a huge fry-up for breakfast (Nicki needs to get rid of eggs, which lead to additional hash browns, toast and beans on toast) and I'm cooking dinner (Mushroom Stroganoff). The afternoon will be filled with Burning Man organisational stuff with the neighbour. I'm planning to get back to Bikram Yoga on Monday, which should fill evenings up nicely for the next 10 days (it's only a 10 days for £15 offer, boo). And next week there's a vintage thing going on at South Bank which I want to check out. Oh, and there's plans for getting my hair cut, yeah!

Now I only need to get my motivation back for work (have been slagging a bit, I must admit) & we're fine :)

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