Tuesday 20 September 2011

Hello Reality

I'm definitely very much back in the default world. And it's not all that bad, possibly because I was already expecting a festival come-down x 10 and was prepared for it.

As I've said in my last post, there weren't any major epiphanies while on the Playa. For me, Burning Man changes come over time, sometimes I don't even notice that something inside me has changed until I catch myself doing stuff I would not have done before or think thoughts that would never have crossed my mind previous to the event.

One change that has materialized already is that I've started to look deeper into EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). I've attended two workshops by Sonya Sophia at Burning Man because I wanted to check out what it was all about. The subjects she covered weren't too close to what I was looking for but it was a great introduction into tapping on subjects you're dealing with. I really liked that you don't have to actually believe in EFT for it to work, although it probably helps, which appealed to the skeptic in me. I started out tapping for my inflamed shoulder joint (my body has the tendency to randomly fall apart without warning which is kinda annoying) last weekend and I'm not sure if it was the EFT or the fast application of pain killers, but the pain subsided much faster than expected and I only had to take diclofenac for a day or to. It usually takes 5 days for stuff like that to go away. I'm now exploring tapping into other things I want to change in my life. It won't do any harm and who knows, it actually might work.

I also seem to be happier and more relaxed, less fazed by stuff that would normally drive me up the wall. This obviously could just be because I had 2 1/2 weeks off work, but I'm hoping it's something that'll stay with me for longer than just post holiday glow. And there's enough going on that has the potential to get to me. Work's busy as usual but no major drama at the moment. The flat, however, keeps causing problems. Don't get me wrong, I'm not insanely unhappy - I like the place and I like where I live and who I live with. It's the bathroom, in particular our shower, that's a source of never-ending issues. This is mainly due to our landlord being a cheapskate and always looking for the cheapest option. He also, unfortunately, has absolutely no clue on how to fix things. What happened is that our shower has stopped working again, it was just dead on Monday morning. Not exactly what you want to wake up to. It got fixed the same day, but now the temperature regulation, which was not great in the first place, is even more fucked than ever. I know why we've got these issues (combi boiler & power shower aren't a good match) and I've got a vague clue what could be done about it (thanks to the interwebs & my inquisitive nature) but I don't think we can expect our landlord to do anything about it because it costs money. He'd rather rock up ever week or so and pay a useless handyman £35 to temporarily fix it.

What he'd need to do is sort out the dodgy plumbing in our bath once and for all. Yes, it'll cost him a few hundred pounds but once it's done he won't get bothered by his tenants anymore (and I can assure you that his tenants would be delighted to not bother him).

That aside we're really rather happy with the place.

Apart from getting on my landlord's nerves, there's a party coming up this weekend. I'm actually feeling way too lazy to go out, but I want to see my friends and still have all winter to hole up and hide underneath a blanket & watch TV. That's my reasoning, anyway. I also really should get myself back into the yoga studio and a sugar detox has been on the cards for a while now. I'm without flatmate for the next 3 weeks so this might be the right time to do it.

Upwards & onwards. Maybe a bit sideways. Here we go!

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