Monday 12 July 2010

A Totally Mixed Bag

There is an explanation for my silence...

So I met up with that guy from OKCupid on Thursday after my last post. Expect of some delays of the actual meeting (flights delayed & such), the evening was very enjoyable, we had lots to talk about but there was no spark. He took me to a lovely Japanese diner & to the Blues Bar. Very nice indeed. So all was well until he walked me to the bus. On the way there my foot got caught in a grate on the street, I tripped & fell. I hit the ground pretty hard, apparently it looked rather impressive, but didn't think much of my arm hurting afterwards. Got home, noticed that elbow was a bit swollen & stiff, but hey, it's bruised or possibly sprained. Spent the night in agony without much sleep, went to the doctor in the morning who sent me to A&E to get xrays. Turned out I fractured my elbow (radial head), only a tiny hairline fracture but enough to cause swelling & pain. Great, I thought, so I'm going to get one of those really cool coloured casts now, right?!

I didn't. All they did is give me a sling, told me to be careful & come back in a week. So I went home, called in sick, called my mum to get a little sympathy only to hear that she's broken her foot (which, obviously, scores you more cripple points), got recommendations for painkillers & subsequently stocked up on them, hung around for a bit watching TV & then went to bed at 8pm.

Woke up feeling a bit better, in less pain from the arm but still having a persistent toothache. Went to see a flat with Lynn & Kate which was quite, errrr, snug & well overpriced. Just because it's in Hammersmith doesn't mean you can charge way too much for it. Needless to say, our lower offer didn't get accepted.

The next offer got put down on a flat that was AWESOME but £300 over our budget. Despite the agents conviction that they would accept because we're great tenants, they didn't. Thanks for that.

Cue a week of almost non-stop flat hunting, arm in a sling & toothache. All not entirely pleasant. I went to the dentist again on Thursday morning, who confirmed my suspicion that the nerve in the tooth was quite irritated & most likely wouldn't calm back down on it's own. Thought he'd then get the instruments out to perform a root canal, only to get told that he can't do this & the specialist they have in the surgery is fully booked for the next 4 weeks, mainly due to the fact that he only comes in every 2nd week for a morning. My protests that I'm not willing to be on painkillers for that long only got me shrugged shoulders, so I took matters in my own hands & found myself an Endodontics specialist, who I've seen today & who will be performing a hopefully successful root canal on me on Thursday morning. It better works as I'm paying shitloads of money for it. After that I'll have to find someone capable of putting a decent crown/veneer on that tooth.

I got rid of that pesky sling on Friday after a visit to the doctor who told me to start using/moving the arm again. Hooray.

The flat hunting came to an end on Saturday when we put in an offer for a flat in Acton Town, a fall away from the tube station & above a dentist (irony?). It's got 2 tiny rooms & one big one, which I bagsied straight away. I need my space & the others were so keen on the flat that they said yes. It's got a massive lounge & kitchen, some very likely illegal outside space, bathroom & separate toilet. It's split level, which is lovely, but also on the main road which I really hope will be less noisy than what I've got now.

Personally, I would've gone on searching until the perfect flat comes along, but both Lynn & Kate thought THIS IS IT & who am I to argue. Anyway, the room's nice & big & I only pay £50 more than I'm paying now, have a bigger room & less travel time to work.

Oh, yes, work.

I had my end of probation chat today & they have decided to extend my probation by 6 weeks because a certain channel head who's a bit choleric had a fit because I made a mistake in a report (ok, twice which is not good, I know) & someone forwarded him an email that wasn't intended for him but for her & therefore worded a tiny bit more colloquial than it would have been if I'd know she'd just press forward. Anyway, that certain someone complained to my boss' boss' boss (very professional) & hence my probation period goes on for a bit longer. Not sure what to think of it. Yes, two mistakes in a row are VERY BAD INDEED (& careless), but I was having a pretty bad week which obviously doesn't count in that regard.

I've now got to step up my game a little & show them that I'm awesome & do all things right. Hmpf. They really should know by now, I've only been there for 7 months.

Interestingly enough, I'm getting a bonus. Go figure. It makes total sense. Really, it does.

So far, this month has been continously picking me up & then kicking me again. I'm entirely not impressed, but am hoping that once August comes along, all will be sunshine, fluffy clouds & fairies.

It better be.

(your idea of a fairy may vary)

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