Wednesday 18 August 2010



Words cannot explain how relieved I am. My boss came back from holiday, we had a catch up & he passed me without further ado. It's so great to get rid of this uncertainty. It does not, however, make my main client any easier to work with. But now that I don't have to constantly fear that one bad step will cost me my job, I can be a bit more relaxed. Also, my boss won't be going away again that soon, which makes things easier as well.

Not much else to report, really. I'm still packing my stuff for the move on Saturday, man&van (+John) are sorted for early afternoon. After lots of calls to our competent *cough* *cough* call center & FINALLY getting someone who knows their stuff with the third call, I've now got phone & broadband for the new place sorted. As in I'm paying for it for now, as it turned out we need an active (i.e. with number) phone line before any of the free staff offers can apply. I'm hoping that getting the rest set up won't take forever, but at least I'll have interwebs within the next 10 to 15 days. With all of that I'm surprised we're still wondering why sales are down.

I'm going to the dentist tomorrow to get the ugly temporary crown replaced with a shiny, permanent gold one. Happy days.

Oh, and two people I met on the playa in the Lost Penguins camp are coming over to London & staying at my new place. I'm excited & their visit happened just at the right time as now I've actually got sofa space to offer & understanding cooperative flatmates.

There actually seems to be a chance that I'll be back to my usual, happy, relaxed self end of this month.

Plans for when that finally happens are:

- loose weight (no excuse for chocolate binges anymore)
- go clubbing (should tie in nicely with the weight loss plans)
- catch up with everyone I've neglected due to being stressed/miserable/too busy

Yes, indeed.

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