Sunday 5 December 2010

Let Them Eat Cake

Things so didn't go as planned.

I've managed to come down with a particularly nasty version of the lurgy just in time for my birthday. It all started to go downhill on Wednesday. I was feeling fine in the morning, but then started sneezing like there was no tomorrow around midday and by evening I was feeling seriously ill. I did manage to go food shopping for my party and dinner before succumbing to the ill, but didn't really get around to enjoying my lovingly cooked stir fry as by that time I'd already totally lost my appetite. Things took a turn for the worse over night, which I mainly spent alternating between being really unpleasantly hot and shivering. Woke up feeling like someone had hit me in the face with a large hammer, called in sick and hid under the duvet for most of the day. Seeing that there was no way I'd be up to a huge party, I rescheduled my birthday party for Saturday, which unfortunately meant not being able to see loads of my friends as obviously people had already made plans for the rest of the weekend (or come down with the lurgy themselves).

Anyway, John (who was just as lurgyfied as me) stopped by on Friday for a bit and I had a small but lovely party last night, so all's not bad. I'm already plotting a big all-nighter for the next year, have to make the most of the house while I'm there!

I'm still coughing and my nose is perpetually blocked which means I've lost most of my sense of smell, but my appetite has come back and I'm not feeling all that ill any more.

And despite being home sick, having 4 days off in a row was nice, although it means I'll be super busy next week.

3 Mondays to Christmas!

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