Sunday 28 November 2010

Head Squirreling

 Has it been 2 weeks already? Wow. Time flies. I'm getting old. Yes, I really am.

It's my birthday in a week, I'm turning 40. Yes, indeed. If there ever has been a time for a mid-life crisis, it's now. I've been doing some looking back/looking forward recently, which probably hasn't contributed to me being happy, but I guess it had to be done.

Basically, there has been quite a bit of head squirreling. My brain's a real bitch, it knows when I'm weak & then hits me. Like that night when I couldn't sleep. Instead of sending me comforting images of fluffy sheep & cute dragons, my brain decided to engage me in interesting conversation. Like, pointing out that my love life hasn't really been that hot for a while. Or reminding me that my boyfriend for 8 years, all through my 20s, is now married & has a child (or two, maybe three, I haven't stalked him for a long, long time). And then making it quite clear to me that, well, I'm a bit of a failure in that regard. It was a long & not very pleasant discourse. But it left me feeling somewhat better about myself. My life just isn't like most lives, I'm not like most people, so better get used to it.

Anyway, to distract myself of pesky brain rodents, I attended Elysian Project @ Electrowerks a weekend ago & despite my concerns, it was quite excellent. The afterparty was lovely as well, I managed to reconnect with some of my friends. I also found out that FB fucked up & didn't send the invite to my birthday party to everyone I put on the list. Which means half of the people I invited only found out last week that there's a party at mine & quite a lot have already made other plans. I'm having a party anyway, even if it's going to be a somewhat smaller affair than planned. I can always have another party next year, it's not that my flatmates would get in the way (I think they're both planning on hiding for the weekend).

This weekend was spent attending more parties. First one was Planet Angel's Free Party on Friday, an event I didn't plan to go to as, quite honestly, PA has lost it's appeal for me. It was nice while it lasted, but now something else has to be found. Hence I didn't try to secure a ticket for said party, but Cherelle did & dragged me along. T'was ok, we stayed for an hour or so & then decided that we're really not feeling the love. I even got a ride back, which was awesome seeing that Acton is not quite as well connected in the night bus department as Kilburn was. I fell into bed around 3am, then couldn't sleep for another hour because I just didn't get warm, but then passed out until 1pm. I then proceeded to amble to Morrisons to get some food & start to get ready for the next party. Charlie was celebrating her new boobs, so I trekked to North London in the freezing cold. Her boyfriend's flat was boiling, though, and there was tasty food & pleasant people, so it was worth it. Nevertheless, I got tired around 1am & embarked on the long, tedious & aggravating journey home. I haven't quite figured out the fastest way to get home yet, and the route I took last night wasn't the best idea I ever had. I really could've done without the 10 minute hike through the freezing cold as well, but the only nightbus that stops in front of our house only runs every 30 minutes & the next one was due in 20 minutes. It took a good 5 minutes until I could feel my toes again once I'd finally reached the cozy warmth of my bedroom.

Today was a lazy day, I didn't leave the house at all. Instead, I had my hairdresser come to mine. Nice.

Tomorrow there's going to be a tube strike, which doesn't really worry me as I'm a posh bitch that gets the shuttle bus to work. It kinda put a spanner in the works of my idea to go to Oxford Street after work to get some Christmas stuff, but I can always do that on Tuesday. Tomorrow's also going to be the day that I finalize the booking for my trip to India in February. I'm well excited & have already started making a list of things I need to get sorted before I leave (most important points being getting a visa & topping up my vaccinations).

Thursday I'll join Lynn to watch the latest sequel in the Harry Potter epic. I've got Friday off to prepare my birthday party, which hopefully will fill up most of my weekend.

Not sure what happens after that, but I've been told Christmas is only 4 Mondays away.

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