Friday 11 February 2011

Not Long Now...

I've managed to pinch/inflame a nerve again. It's usually the sciatica nerve, which starts somewhere in the lower back and goes all the way down the legs. It hurts & it's starting to really annoy me now. I know that my lower spine is too wobbly, two of the vertebraes that should be joined by bone/cartillage instead of discs aren't, causing them to move & put pressure on the nerves in my back.

It's gotten a lot worse in recent years, probably due to me not exercising anymore. And then, when I do exercise, I make matters worse because I'm so unfit & stiff that stuff just goes wrong. A friend recently completed a 30 day Bikram yoga challenge & I think that's a wonderful idea for when I'm back from India. Things really can't get much worse.

Oh, and despite having the feeling that I lost some weight, the scales last night clearly showed I haven't. I'm almost at my highest weight ever, which means most of my clothes don't fit & I feel like a walrus. Not the best thing if you're going on holiday in a few days.

I'm not happy.

I've also had the sneaking suspicion that my thyroid might be the problem for a while now, I'm always feeling cold, don't sleep well/am tired, then there's the weight issue. To finally get things checked out, I've made an appointment with my new GP on the day before I go on holiday. I don't expect things to get sorted before I leave, he's probably going to order a blood test (if I'm lucky) which of course they can't do on the same day so I'm counting on having to go back when I'm back in the UK. But at least I've started the process. My thyroid has always been on the lower end of normal, which is bloody annoying as I'm pretty sure it's not quite right, so in a way I'm actually hoping it's now gone off the cliff & they need to do something about it.

Quite likely I'm also insanely stressed. The tiniest things piss me off no end & everything just seems to be so much work.

My holiday should be nice & relaxing, despite being on the go most of the days the trip I've booked features loads of sitting around on houseboats & traveling on busses. I've got everything sorted now, all that's left is some washing & the dreaded suitcase packing.

Tomorrow I'm off to Secret Cinema & then it's 2 more days at work & I'm out. Hooray!

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