Sunday 13 November 2011

Eyeball Tracking

Today I've done some art. My brain feels nice and satisfied and happy now. I like if my brain's happy :)

I've grabbed the flatmate and met up with another friend at the Hayward Gallery to check out an exhibition by Pipilotti Rist. It started with an underwear chandelier (ahem) and went on to be quite awesome with video installations that you could walk through and sit down in. Comfy AND inspiring. Included in the ticket was entry to Condo - Mental States which was, erm, a tad mental and disturbing. Interesting, but really weird. We had to go down and sit in the pretty video landscape for a bit afterwards to get the happy back. Got drawn in by a press photo exhibition in the Royal Festival Hall on the way back, which was good, and then got some food and a tasty brownie at one of the Real Food market stalls. That's what I call a good Sunday!

Yesterday I trekked over to North London to meet up with some friends and do some art (well, I didn't, they did) and play a bit of Kinect. I really, really want a Kinect. And a big TV. And a living room that's big enough to play it. There was sociability and tasty foodstuffs and loads of jumping around. Came home happy and a bit exhausted.

Next week might feature two trips to the movies and a visit to the Ideal Home Christmas Show.

Last week I went over to Germany for a long weekend. It was mostly relaxing, as visits to my parents usually are. I've bought new glasses which I'll collect when I got back at Christmas. I also went to my German gynecologist for a long due check-up, which apparently was pretty due - I got told to stop taking the pill as I'm too old now (over 37 the risks seem to go up considerably) and I also seem to have a myoma in my uterus. As such, this is not dangerous and 1 in 4 women have it, it only gets unpleasant when it grows too big. Mine seems to be ok for now, but I have to go back for 6 monthly checkups. I don't particularly like the idea that there's something inside me that's not supposed to be there, but before the ultrasound I didn't even know it was there and the doctor's not worried so I probably shouldn't be, either.

Other than that, all is fine and I'm looking forward to some busy weekends.

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