Sunday 8 July 2012

3-2-1, We Came To Fuck

What do you mean, subtle? This is me being subtle...

After getting over that whole what-the-fuck-have-I-done-to-myself after Glade, I obviously had to go and be silly again. In slightly different ways this time, because we don't want my life to get boring, do we?

I started off the weekend with Bab's leaving drinks, socializing with the adults which was nice but boring.

Saturday (last week Saturday, I'm about 7 days behind in my reporting here) the flatmate and I got ourselves ready for Imaginarium. It was the third time they put it on and while the first time had been slightly oversold on expectations (but still good enough for me to go back) and the seconds time had been pretty awesome, it wasn't third time lucky for them. The people were a tad more creepy than they'd been last time and the music was simply shite.


I pulled. To be more precise, I pulled even before getting to the club. As in, on the way there. Which is, even for me, pretty fucking amazing and hasn't been done before. My awesomeness knows no boundaries (well, it probably does, but not that night). We flirted for most of the night and then we taxied to an afterparty hosted by his friends, who were lovely and I can't believe I haven't met them before because we go to the same clubs and know the same people. Our hosts started to flake in the later hours of the morning, so it seemed sensible to go to mine and continue the party, maybe even add in some sex. Which we did, and it was really good.

He came over to mine again on Monday, because I had the day off and he works in Wimbledon. I might've gone to meet up with Babs for dinner unwashed and smelling of sex. Don't think anyone noticed. He came over to mine again on Friday. It's actually quite nice hanging out with him.

Unfortunately, there is a downside. Well, not a downside as such, more of a thing that's hard to ignore.

He's 17 years younger than me. Yeah, really. I managed to pull someone that much younger than me, and he didn't freak out and I didn't freak out. My friends high-fived me for my achievement at last night's party, so clearly no-one's freaking out over there, either. I don't know were it'll go, I assume at some point there will be issues because I am aware that it's a huge age gap and if I'd been really stupid and had lost my virginity a lot earlier than I have, he could be my son (talking about freaky here). But he's cute, and actually rather good in bed, especially for someone his age and even compared to some guys quite a bit older than he is. And he sure is enthusiastic and springy as fuck.

So I'm playing this by ear.

Talking about last night's party, where there wasn't any hooking-up although there might've been a bit of groping from a certain older gentleman that I'm insanely fond of, it was pretty cool. It was a friend's birthday party and he's mastered the art of making instant icecream using dry ice and interesting flavour combinations. My favourite was popcorn, followed by soy coconut (a bit like blowing a bounty bar) and in terms of weird combo's, roquefort and honey totally hit the mark. Wasn't particularly thrilled about the egg & bacon or the gin & tonic one, but other people approved. Had a really good time, talked to loads of people I didn't know and went home at a sensible time when the trains were still running.

I'm currently ignoring that I should cook lunch for tomorrow, I've bought all the stuffs for it but just can't be arsed, which means I'm going to the canteen tomorrow and got no one to blame for it but me. I've practised some poi today, in between torrential downpours of rain, and also started working on my poi hooping skills, which are still rather rudimentary.

I'm actually curious to know what I'll get up to next.

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