Friday 3 August 2012

Hold On Tight & Don't Look Back

Is it really August already? The weather doesn't look like it at all...

The Olympics started last week Friday with a massive opening ceremony, all British pride'n stuff. I only watched parts of it, because there were distractions provided along the way and I got distracted. The young one came over, we cooked, thereby missing the start of the spectacle, then there was a mission to find jellysnakes (which apparently are beyond awesome dipped in chocolate) a bit later, another mission for other stuff a lot more later, random fireworks outside that were more interesting than the athletes marching in and sex, which was even more interesting. After that we decided we couldn't be bothered to go back to the lounge and watched Lord Of War. The man ran off again in the morning (he seems to have some kind of problem with staying for breakfast) because he was going on holiday the day after and he had stuff to do. Which is understandable. Judging by his FB updates he's having quite a bit of fun at the moment without me, featuring "gorgeous girls and a cool guy" and I'm trying not to be jealous which is going reasonably well. We've never discussed the whole exclusivity thing and I honestly don't know if I'd want it, but reading about him having fun and not having as much funs myself is annoying. Not that I'm not planning on having fun, there might be some potentially pretty inappropriate fun this weekend and I've got more interesting things lined up.

I'm just greedy, really. I want ALL the funs.

So, update on the things on my "what would make life more awesome list": There's been a stand-off between the landlord and us in our living room which we won (hooray!) and he's now agreed to meet us halfway in terms of rent increase (+£50 a month) and I think I've already mentioned the salary increase. No sign of the young one stepping up his chasing of me if he's hanging out with girls & guys on holiday, but I sort of got an invitation to come along to a wedding with him. Need to follow up on that one when he gets back because I need to know the terms (i.e. I want public cuddles and kisses) before I commit to camping in the countryside for a weekend.

On other notes regarding why my life really doesn't suck right now: I got paid for a focus group that I didn't even have to show up to, I'm now the proud owner of a travel hoop that I probably should learn how to spin, I still very much enjoy writing and continue to get hits/kudos/comments on it.

I'm not quite as manically happy as I was last week, but that could be hormones (PMS, I'm looking at you) and I'm still on a reasonably high level of happiness even now. I'm slowly feeling the urge to go on holiday again, not at all helped by Burning Man drawing closer and me missing the playa like mad. I should be saving monies for next year, but I want to go away and see stuff and do exciting things NOW.

In summary, all is well but I'm impatient. Some things just don't change.

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