Monday 13 August 2012

It's Oh So Quiet...

I've got a really bad case of writer's block. Which happened just as I've signed up for a fic bingo and found a new community to write for. Obviously. My head has gone quiet (well, relatively speaking, it's only one or two voices talking now and they're not telling me stories), after being noisy as fuck since beginning of this year.

This. Is. Not. Fair.

I'm getting good feedback for the stuff I've written so far which is still making me insanely happy. It also makes me want to write more, but yeah, the head is not cooperating at the moment. I'm trying to distract myself by going out and doing things and reading a lot. Well, reading even more than usual.

I've taken my new hoop out for a spin this weekend, first to a spin/hoop jam in Richmond Park which was more of a walk around the countryside for an hour (Richmond Park is fucking huge and not all that pretty, really), then finally finding hoopy people, realizing it's just a bit too windy to spin poi or hoop properly, meeting more hoopy people and making arrangements to organize a hoop jam somewhere that doesn't involve trekking through the vegetation for hours and getting insanely lost on the way back to civilization again. I did get some exercise, though. On Sunday I decided to give in to the lazies and stayed close to home, thereby providing an hour of entertainment for my block of flats. Children love me, apparently. Especially if I have spinny things, which is no surprise, because they're pretty. Still suck at hooping, but not as much as before.

In terms of male entertainment there hasn't been any so far. The inappropriate funs mentioned previously chickened out (and hopefully gives up chasing me now) and I had my period last weekend which kinda ruled out finding other man sized fun. It also would have involved making myself look pretty and going out which I wasn't up to. I'm hoping to hook up with a very lovely person next weekend and I somehow have managed to get myself a date (shock, horror, I know) for tomorrow. He looks ok and seems nice, I'm totally not sure if I'm interested at all, but he lives/works on my way home which greatly appeals to my laziness. So I thought why not? and there were go.

On related news, the young one is coming back on Monday, I somewhat miss him and very much look forward to dragging him into my bed again soon...

Now if I could just kick my head out of it's stupor and back into talking to me, all would be fine.

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