Tuesday 8 January 2013

Xmas/NY roundup

Hey, I'm only a few days late *cough*

I went home for Christmas, as usual. The only acceptable excuse not to go would be that I've got a family of my own, and we know that's not gonna happen anytime soon. So off I went, the weather played nice (no fog, no snow), which meant I actually got home without any further problems apart from having to brave Heathrow at Christmas.

It really was the usual, I ate a lot, I slept a lot, I spent some time with the family and my brother's girlfriend. He intends to marry her and for some reason beyond my understanding thought I'd be right person to ask for suggestions on how to propose. I had to bite my tongue to ask why he wants to get married in the first place (well, I did ask in the end, it's because he wants to start a family and that's the "right" way to do it) and then proceeded to suggest that he just says "hey, wanna get married" and hands over the ring. Apparently that's not sufficiently romantic and a big deal enough. I think it's perfectly ok. Would be nice if it was on a beach or something, but kinda popping the question after a nice fuck would be acceptable as well. Just in case it ever comes up.

Fled back to London after 5 days with the folks, I've discovered that that's long enough for us to catch up  but short enough for them to not drive me crazy.

Which brings us to New Years and related celebrations. I spent the weekend not doing much, apart from writing and enjoying having the flat to myself (it was a bit too cold for naked flat time, but I had a quick run through for good measure). Went to a friend's party for the last day of the year/month, it was a big party and really rather nice. Apart from the part when I got a bit wasted and ended up snogging someone I'd been talking to on and off during the night. I really should know better. I really should know NOT to stick my tongue into someone's mouth/let someone stick their tongue in mine just because I feel like kissing someone at the time. Turns out he somehow (really don't know how) got the wrong idea and is now chasing me a little bit. Ahem.

Before I could cause any more damage I got dragged off to an afterparty, which merged with another afterparty shortly afterwards. There was an awful lot of snuggling and hugging and regrettably no more snogging (it's perfectly ok to snog my friends, they know me) and I ended up trudging back home around 6ish in the evening to faceplant gracefully collapse into my bed.

I had the next day off, which was spent mooching about being tired, and then had to go back to work for the last 2 days of the week. In hindsight I should've taken those off as well, but I didn't think that far and in the end it wasn't all that bad. Ok, it was that bad, but I survived.

Last weekend I went for a coffee with the downstairs neighbour, which at least got me out of the house and made her happy.

I've stopped wanting to kill people now, which means I've probably recovered from the NYE shenanigans.

Just in time to go to the movies tomorrow (Life Of Pi) and for drinks with the neighbours (this is becoming a habit) on Friday. There will be iceskating (aka me falling over on cold surfaces) on Saturday for a friend's birthday.

Hey, look at me, I'm sociable!

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