Sunday 25 April 2010

Watching The Birds

I have been feeling decidedly meh the last 7 days. I'm not in the mood for much, I've still got a cold/hayfever, I made the mistake to check my weight & that really wasn't a good idea.

Hence, most of the week was spent feeling slightly sorry for myself, coughing a lot & otherwise not doing very much. I did manage to drag myself out on Thursday to watch Soap at the Hammersmith Riverside Studios with Lynn & it was brilliant! It was only a very small production, tiny stage filled with a group of bathtubs & about 6 or 7 performers. But the ideas were good & the circus skills shown were pleasantly different from your usual London displays. Highlights included a girl juggling rings with her feet (never seen such bendy, flexible feet in my life!) and an opera singer going through versions of "Splish Splash" with classical music in the background. Highly enjoyable.

Friday evening saw me back in procrastination mode & getting nothing done. Yesterday was a bit more active, I joined flatmate for a trip to Borough Market where I bought garlic leaves & purple carrots & then travelled onwards to the Barbican to check out the curve exhibition. This meant queueing for about 30 minutes, but it was well worth it. The exhibit looks really simple when you come in (& it is, but fabulous as well), just at few electric guitars & drum highhats with wooden planks to walk on between them. Then there's lots of zebra finches, tiny, tiny birds, extremely cute. Everytime they land on one of the instruments, the motion in translated into sound, so a mini bird landing on a guitar string makes quite an impressive noise. It's so fun to watch!

Afterwards I grabbed a coke & a cookie & sat down outside the Barbican at the "lake", then went back home with a stopover at the shops.

We spent the evening watching TV & one of my slightly illegally acquired dvds, Dorian Gray. It wasn't all that great, really, I've never seen the original movie so can't compare, but the remake definitely lacked some oomph.

I haven't done anything today so far, except from another treck to the shops after realising I was missing a vital ingredient (potatos) for the sauerkraut casserole I'm planning to cook tonight & playing Echo Bazaar which is incredibly good but also very addictive.

Things I should've got done this weekend include
- getting the PAC code from t-mobile to finally get new phone sorted (I wants the HTC Desire/Legend)
- hit the shops to find pretty new summer dresses for work & leisure (this was put on hold after finding out that I put on loads of weight)
- getting trenchcoat altered, the arms are way too long
- exercise (put on hold due to persisent cough)
- do something other than play computer games & watch TV

Oh, I did the laundry. Big achievement.

I've still not managed to get going with the whole internet dating thing. I occasionally log on, then immediately loose interest after reading one or two emails (& seeing the pictures). Why can't I just employ a matchmaker to find me the perfect guy? (yes, I know, you should be prepared to at least make a bit of effort... give me some time...).

I really hope I get out of this shitty mood soon, I'm starting to annoy myself.

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