Saturday 22 January 2011

Can I Get Off Now, Please?

It just never ends. Work, that is. I'm still insanely busy & not in a good way. To make things even more challenging, they've reschuffled the channels we're working on & have decided to give each of us 2 channels because obviously we're not busy enough with the one channel we got. My manager it totally convinced I can do this, I'm not. Just as it is my to-do list exceeds 20 items & that's not counting any long-term projects. I'm at maximum capacity if you ask me, but they keep dumping more & more stuff. I've never looked forward to a holiday that much & I honestly hope that those 2 1/2 weeks I'm away are going to be busy as hell so my boss sees how much work I really do.

On a completely different note, I've bought my ticket for BURNING MAN!!! This makes it kinda official that I'm definitely going, with or without friends. Playa, here I come! *squeeeee*

But, believe it or not, the week hasn't been just work. I've met up with Babs for 40%-off sushi goodness at our new favourite YoSushi near Oxford Street. They even have Japanese toilets & of course yours truly had to check out all the functions... The conveyor belt was stacked with the more interesting sushi creations, although I'm still not entirely sure that salmon mince stuff with coriander dressing was such a great idea.

As it is, sushi is my only guilty pleasure when I officially take a break from veganism. One day I hope to even get fish out of my system. I'm still amazed at how much better I feel when not eating meat & dairy (& almost no eggs) & I'm contemplating doing a cleanse once I'm back from holiday to "reset" my body. This would hopefully get me closer to my goal to eat more raw foods as well. But first let me stuff myself with great Indian food :)

Today's plans are to venture down all the way to Redhill for a friend's birthday celebrations. I'm still in two minds if I actually want to do this, but if I don't I'll probably just end up staying in bed all weekend which always makes me feel like I don't have a life at all (although it is quite a nice thought). I also should start stocking up on light-coloured t-shirts for my holiday, the white ones always die before any others & I sort of like the idea of not melting in the sun because I'm wearing all black.

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