Sunday 23 January 2011

Lazy Sunday

I'm happy to report that I'm considerably less stressed out & brain-mushed than yesterday. I'm still a long way away from being relaxed & ready to deal with the world, but at least my head doesn't feel like it's packed in bubble-wrap anymore. I don't like that feeling at all.

I didn't trek down to Redhill in the end, felt a bit guilty for letting my friends down, but the combination of a 1 1/2 hour tube/train journey and the prospect of having to socialise with a large group of people was just too much. Instead, Chezza came over & we played silly Wii games until after midnight. I ended the day with a bit of Family Guy & had a nice lie-in this morning. Oh, and I baked cupcakes that I totally forgot to offer to my guest...

Probably due to not really wanting to deal with anything in my life, yesterday was mostly a junk food day. As in, vegan junk food which might be a little bit healthier than omni junk food. But I still feel a bit grossed out at myself today. It's scary how much the way I feel correlates to my body weight. In combination with emotional eating it's a vicious circle - I don't feel happy & eat, then I put on weight, feel even unhappier & eat even more. Hmph. The solution obviously is to feel happy all the time, but I haven't found a way to achieve this yet.

Anyway, I'm planning to have a completely lazy day today to recharge my batteries in order to be able to deal with another week of work. I hate having to do this, work shouldn't interfere with my private life, but at the moment that seems to be impossible. I might try meditating today, I've been reading Eat, Pray, Love recently & the author describes a meditation that simply involves sitting still & smiling. I think I can do that. I also have to cook food for lunch tomorrow, which most likely will be a broccoli udon stir-fry, because I like broccoli & udon. I might eat a cupcake or two, because I made them & they're tasty. I'm watching David Attenborough on TV at the moment, great stuff & feeding my brain in a subtle way.

I've recently discovered Pinterest, which is great visual candy & very inspiring. I might actually sign up & create a few vision boards, I'd love to have one in my room, too, but I'm not sure I would manage to hang anything on to our hard-as-hell walls. And I would have to find a nice board first. I think we've got a mission coming on.

And something I should always bear in mind:

Persistence is not about knocking on one door until the dang thing finally opens.

It's about knocking on all of them.

Knock, knock -
    The Universe

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