Wednesday 29 June 2011

Counting The Days

Not long now... I've booked the men with the van for Monday, I'm meeting my new flatmate in our new flat on Sunday. I haven't packed a single thing yet and am feeling a bit uneasy about it. On the other hand, I haven't got that much to pack and most things still need to be accessible (like clothes). I did buy 3 removal boxes after work today, which hopefully fit all stuff that can't go in those handy woven plastic bags. I've got Friday afternoon and Monday off work, so in theory all should be totally fine.

The interviews on Monday were interesting. The first one was at a major broadcaster that I've so far failed to impress twice. This time, well, I don't think they were too impressed by me again, but I wasn't particularly impressed by them either. They're just as miserable and depressing as I remember them. Maybe I should just give up on that company once and for all, but my recruitment agent had tricked me into thinking I'd want that job. I now can confirm that I don't. The second interview was 2 hours later a pleasant stroll away in the City. I had some lunch and then hid in an air-conditioned Starbucks (well done me for choosing the hottest day of the year so far to do interviews) until it was time to present myself. I've got the feeling that the second interview went slightly better, although my interviewer was very hard to read. It was pleasant enough, anyway, and the job sounds more interesting than the one I interviewed for in the morning. Overall, though, I'm not sure if any of them is worth leaving my current job for. I'm still learning things, the team is nice and, errr, the team is nice.

After leaving some impressions at potential employers I decided to go into town and check out the sales. The day had changed from being ridiculously hot and sunny to being rather muggy and overcast, what better thing to do than go shopping? I actually found two items at Esprit, a tie-dye summer dress and a long-sleeved kaftan. Encouraged by success in the first shop I'd gone into I wandered on to H&M. There I unearthed about 10 items of clothing that looked potentially nice and hit the fitting rooms. The first 2 things had looked great on the mannequins, but I couldn't even figure out how to get into them. Too many layers, no instructions, very tricky, that. Another 2 suffered from size schizophrenia, as in, they were my size (in theory) but pretended to be a much, much smaller size. Another item had the problem the other way around. The rest of the stuff simply looked a bit shite on me. I continued through the shops (hey, I don't give up that easy), but didn't find any more hidden gems.

Finally got home too late for yoga, was exhausted anyway, so I just lounged about and contemplated all the stuff in my room that needed sorting out. I did go to yoga last night, I still have one class left on my 10 class pass which I'm doing tomorrow. There's a Bikram Yoga in Wimbledon, so I'm definitely going to keep it up - I've started to see small results that I don't want to jeopardize.

So, yeah, I'm keeping busy and trying not to panic.

P.S.: I've just seen that I can check the stats on this blog and I actually seem to have more readers (not huge amounts, but still) than I thought. I assume that most of them land here by accident, but anyway: Hi, whoever you are!

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