Sunday 26 June 2011

Summer's Here

We seem to have achieved Summer! And almost in time for the summer solstice. It's been warm and sunny for two days now, which has resulted in loads of complaints of people around me already that it's too hot... I'm enjoying not having to wear at least 2 layers and filling up my vitamin D storage.

I'm still reluctant to admit it, but to be honest, I'm actually quite happy and pretty excited at the moment. If I could I'd pack my bags right now and get everything shipped over to Wimbledon, but I'll have to wait another week. We're picking up the keys on Saturday, which is when Nix is moving in. I've decided to take full advantage of my moving day at work and am planning to schedule the men (I probably need 2 coz I can't carry my furniture) with their van for Monday, which hopefully makes it a bit cheaper than getting them on the weekend.

Getting rid of my current room is proving harder than I thought, which I blatantly blame on my flatmates. Most people who are looking for a flatmate want to socialise with the people they're living with, but we're looking for someone who is absolutely happy to not talk to their fellow housemates for days. They also seem to be somewhat clueless as to where to recruit said person, but that's something they have to sort out, really.

In terms of money/work, I've got 2 interviews lined up for tomorrow, handily scheduled around lunch. I'm slightly nervous, but seeing that I've got a job which is not in immediate danger of falling apart I'm also looking forward to find out what they'd have to offer to me. I won't leave my safe position for something that doesn't hold the promise of being better (paid).

I've also seem to have achieved inspiration again. I've found a new blog that I like very much, I've been to Camden yesterday which made me happy, even though I didn't buy anything. Today I've wandered down Chiswick High Road to check out the sales and enjoy the sunshine, again didn't buy anything but found myself thinking how awesome it will be to explore Wimbledon and surroundings. There's the village, a farmers market, the common... yay!

Not sure how I'm doing in regards to weight and the loss of it, I definitely haven't gained any more but probably haven't lost much, either. I'm still holding on to the dream of looking awesome in my skimpy dresses...

There's been somewhat of a (wool) dread situation as Pinky can't make the weekend I'd like to have them installed before going to Burning Man. I'm now trying other sources but might have to resort to getting a stranger to do it. I definitely want cool hair for the Playa.

So, yes, all in all I'm doing well.

As you were.

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