Thursday 21 January 2010

The Breaking Of The Day

We've been to the movies.

I've probably mentioned that my expectations for Daybreakers weren't particularly high. After seeing the movie I think I should've started expecting much lower.

It's not that the film is absolutely rubbish. The premise - a virus turns people into vampires, human blood supply is running low after a decade of feeding on them (& subsequently turning them, should they survive), a giant corporation is trying to develop a substitute & is not at all interested in finding a cure but only wants to make more money, some cute scientist finds the cure and is subsequently hunted - was all great, interesting & deserved to be made into a gripping movie. The execution of this premise, however, was shoddy, listless & rushed. There were some great ideas, like day-proof cars & subterranean walkways & human "blood farms" & the cure they came up with, which made it even more of a shame that all this genius didn't translate onto screen.

Don't get me wrong, the film is perfectly watchable. It just leaves you with a stale aftertaste that it could've been so much better if they'd just tried.

2.5 pale bat-winged stars. I hope someone picks this up to do a re-make that does the story justice one day.

On another, much more cheerful note, I've just finished watching 2 back-to-back episodes of Big Bang Theory, which was excellent. It's a bit scary how much the protagonists remind me of my friends & that I get most (maybe not all) of the geek in-jokes. The new season of Skins starts next week. I'm making Thursday my stay in & watch TV day. Well, unless something more exciting is going on.

I've also been contaced by one of my recruitment agents who sent me the job description of a maternity cover at MTV. It sounds interesting enough, I can do what they're looking for, it pays decent money & they're based in central London. Unfortunately I've never gotten as far as first interview with any job I've applied for at MTV so far. My applications just vanished in the sand. Let's see if this one's any different. Anyway, I'm still entirely happy working at Sky & won't abandon them that easily. It has to be worth it & I definitely won't leave before the girl I'm covering for is back. I love my team too much (& Sky is a huge company you don't want to get on wrong terms with) to upset them. If there's any way I can stay after finishing my contract, I probably will.

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