Friday 29 January 2010

Frost Flowers


It's gone cold (aka below 0 at night)! We don't have snow (yet), but it looks like the temperature is dropping & the news will soon feature "the big freeze" again. I'm hoping to finally get a proper snow day, not that public transport needs a lot to totally break down in the first place but it's been holding up pretty darn well so far. The latest delays were due to, errrr, something else but snow makes a much better excuse.

The week's been quiet news-wise, apart from the unexpected interview action. I haven't decided what to do with the weekend yet, tomorrow I'll either wander over to the Monkey House for little monkeys birthday or treck down to Clapham North for Big Jaco's birthday. Sunday might feature a trip to Camden to find skirt to go with red corset & very gothy boots and quite possibly have a chai latte & some food at Inspiral while being all artsy & hippie reading a book.

Today I've had a little chat with my boss, inspired by a call from another agent letting me know there's a research role at Sky going. Neither  my boss nor his boss knew of it, which is kinda weird. But I thought I'd take this opportunity to test the waters re: going permanent. As suspected my boss is really happy with my work & would want me to stay. On that note I pointed out that I like working there very much and carefully hinted on that IF I get to stay I would expect to at least get a senior exec role, which was fine with him but would not happen right away (meaning I'd be on the somewhat depressing pay for a bit longer should all of this happen). The whole discussion was on a purely hypothetical basis anyway as the girl I'm covering for is still in negotiations to come back part-time & I don't know if they have the budget to have both of us. He promised to have more substantial information by end of next week.

I will definitely do the interview, I would be crazy not to. I will be in real trouble if I end up getting two offers. I'm expecting to get at least one.

Oh, and I've started doing yoga again. Only managed 5 sun salutations A and one sun salutation B last night before collapsing & my arms are hurting quite a lot today. I really want to get back into practice again, it felt so nice once I got beyond the initial everything-hurts-OMG-die period. I also very much want a rebounder, which seems to be the posh name for a mini trampoline. I have this crazy idea that it would fit into my room & the thought of happily bouncing about while getting fit, toned & burning calories is very appealing. Have to go stalk trampolines in the near future.

My head is full of ideas & words at the moment, which unfortunately tend to mainly want to come out when I don't have a computer at hand. Like on the train, or in bed. In my head I've written a million blog entries already, but no one will ever read them coz by the time I get home/am back at my computer they have evaporated & are merely shadows of the brilliant things they were. I'm considering having a notepad with me at all times to catch them words before they escape, but writing by hand feels so alien to me now! I used to have a very pretty handwriting back in the days which seems to have degenerated into some awful scribble over time & neglect. Scary. It probably is a good idea to get more practice in, then. I'll be the crazy old lady frantically scribbling away on the train, if you need me.

Words are delicious.

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