Tuesday 19 January 2010


The past 2 days haven't been extremely eventful. Babs, John & I went for sushi on Sunday evening, sponsored by the 40% off promotion at Yo!Sushi. Apparently they'd had a very busy Saturday, so lots of stuff was sold out. Not a lot I wanted, but by the time we left they didn't even have edamame & avocado anymore. And no pumpkin patties, which was a shame.

Not sure if it was related to the sushi we had, but my stomach went a bit funny afterwards & stayed like that until the next morning. I seem to be getting more & more sensitive to weird stuff in food, or maybe I just notice it more coz most of the time now my stomach & digestion are absolutely fine. They weren't when I was still omni & eating dairy. I would go from constipation to diarrhea & feel bloated lots. Back then I probably didn't realise, it was kinda normal, but now it stands out as it only happens if I eat something "wrong".

Anyway, I'm fine again & wasn't really bad in the first place.

My cold has completely disappeared, which is pleasant. I'm still putting in some saline solution every now & again, my nose tends to go really dry with all the heating. Unfortunately I can't apply saltwater to my hair... it's static as hell! I only wash it every 3 days or so (it doesn't go greasy that fast anymore) but still have fly-away hair, which is very annoying. I could put in more hairgel, but then I have to wash my hair every day & I really don't want that. Especially coz our flat is cold & our electrical shower can't quite cope with the temperature of the water flowing through it, i.e. it does go warm, but not hot.

Oh, and I cooked a Pad Thai last night. Vegan, lots & very yummy.

Tomorrow the flatmate, John & I are going to see Daybreakers. I'm not entirely sure if it's going to be a cinematic highlight & am kinda hoping it won't be all that bad. Better to keep expectations down :)

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