Sunday 14 February 2010

Up, Down & All Around


I kinda regained my normal level of wakefulness sometime around Thursday afternoon. I still wasn't really up for lots of activities & blame it on the weather. Hey, I'm living in the UK, after all.

I could've gone out Friday evening to some pub electro DJ thing or other, but it was cold, wet & generally not very pleasant outside (see, all that talk about the weather, I'm turning British) and I couldn't really be arsed.

Yesterday I ventured over to Camden, to get that wrap skirt I'd seen but didn't buy because of lack of cash. It had gone on sale, down to £25 from £35, so the waiting turned out ok in the end. And the skirt I wanted was still there, hooray! And because I just cannot go to the market & not buy other shit, I also acquired a necklace with a large oval green glass pendant & a necklace with red plastic stars. Classy, I know. I also bought myself a collar to complement my TG outfit (worked a treat, didn't get all those pesky subby guys asking if I want to be their mistress).

So, yes, TG. I haven't been to Torture Garden for quite a while, I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Not having a partner also tipped the scales in giving it a miss more often than not. But Liam had rounded up some people to go to the Valentine's Ball & I figured that going in a large group would be alright. I put together a pretty decent outfit (black corset, black tutu, fishnets & extremely gothy boots & pigtails, the gothic doll look) and went down to Brixton to meet up with Liam & Nicola's gang. The people were alright. Nothing more, nothing less. We chatted for a bit, some taxi ordering chaos ensued & in the end we made it to SE1 well after midnight. Queued for the tickets, queued for the cloakroom, queued for the bar. It was incredibly busy, as most big TG balls are & I really wasn't impressed. We wandered for a bit, I ignored one of Nicola's friend's attempts to chat me up (so not interested), then went off by myself. Bumped into other people I know, which was cool, engaged in some people watching, which was nice as well. Danced a bit, sat around for a bit. It wasn't really bad, but it wasn't really good, either. Anyway, we stayed till the end, somehow, but it was still another 45 minutes until the tube started running when they kicked us out. Not wanting to take the bus & definitely not wanting to hang around London Bridge station for almost an hour, I went back to Brixton for the afterparty. Got some breakfast on the way (a rather depressing egg & tomato sandwich, yuck) & got changed into normal clothes. Gave the whole afterparty thing a go, but I'm so spoiled in regards to afterparties thanks to my amazing friends that this party just didn't cut it. One of the guys in the group had also managed to chat up a girl last minute (we'd seen him get turned down by a girl around 5.30am, so he'd only had a very brief window to find another one, but he'd done it) & she was getting on my nerves big time. She was the perfect example that just because you're a doctor (psychiatrist, apparently) doesn't mean you're intelligent. She was very girly, very chatty & very over him. The others were politely ignoring her, but the whole vibe of the party wasn't great, so I said my goodbyes around 8am & made my way home.

Got back around 9am, exhausted but not very tired. I had a little pick-me-up early in the night, nothing else after that, but my body seemed to think that it's daytime & therefore we're awake. Hmph. Managed to claim 2 hours or so of sleep before giving up around noon. It seems that once I'm past a certain time (6 or 7am, I guess) I just can't fall asleep properly. I usually drift into a state of not being quite conscious, but it's hard work & the results are not great. It's always been like that. I can have lie-ins, but not for much longer than noon or 1pm, no matter what time I went to bed. It's worse when I'm drunk, so alcohol is not an option, either. And I don't do daytime naps. They completely fuq me up. If I manage to fall asleep at all during daytime, after waking up again I'll spend the rest of the day in a zombie-like trance. The only option I have once I'm past that magical threshold of snooze is to stay awake until the evening. Unfortunately that doesn't entail alertness, I'm still tired & shouldn't be let anywhere near heavy machinery, traffic or people.

This is why I love afterparties (my friends' afterparties, not any afterparty) so much, because they get me through that day relatively painlessly. I have to make sure not to overdo it & actually kill the next night's sleep as well, but I'm getting better at that.

I'm hoping that I can properly catch up on sleep tonight & don't drag the sleep dep into next week. Work's busy, my boss is on holiday, I'm trying to make a good impression & my colleague has now decided that I'm the one in charge & first point of contact for any questions. Which is nice, as that's what I'm aiming for job wise anyway, but also quite stressful coz in the end I'm not her manager & have only been there for about 2 months.

5 more hours until bedtime.

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