Wednesday 3 February 2010

The Lazies


I had those grand plans for Saturday. I didn't really execute any of them.

The day started quite good, I woke up around 10am, pottered around, then realised I had to go to the Post Office to post a BookMooch book. Things got a bit hectic as I didn't know when they close, got there in time but was faced with a mahoosive queue which thankfully did move pretty quick. Book posted I ambled towards Holland & Barrett to see if they had a) vanilla soy yoghurt and b) some other tasty stuffs. They had both. I then popped into Superdrug/Boots & went a bit mad shopping for shower gel & nail polish. Ahem. I seem to be entering a girlie phase again, which normally manifests as me wearing a bit more make-up & suddenly develop an interest for decorating my nails. Found lovely (& cheap) pink/purple & black with colourful sparkly bits nail polish.

I then also went to get some groceries & happily skipped back home, thinking I'd got everything done & now only have to make up my mind if I want to hang out with small children or treck down to Clapham. Once home I realised I wasn't up for either. I really just wanted to relax at home, do fuck all & not talk to anyone. No, I wasn't feeling down, depressed or in any other way bad, I just really didn't want to see people. It was when I was trying to decided if I want to write stuff or just surf the webs that our shower drain felt like clogging up. I'd also discovered that I had forgotten essential foodstuffs. Cue another trip up & down Kilburn High Road.

Was afterwards totally convinced that hell is other people & that I need rest. The remainder of the day was spent not doing much, really. Which was very nice.

Sunday had me feeling slightly more sociable, so I bussed over to Camden for a little bit of shopping. Found a decent tutu to go with corset for TG (I hope, I haven't tried the combi yet) & a cosy, half price fleece skirt. Unfortunately I'd run out of cash when I saw a lovely wrap skirt, which obviously means I have to go to the market again soon.

Promised myself to be totally, entirely more fun & a people person next month (February). 

At some point during the weekend I baked a batch of Chai Latte cupcakes, which are tasty, by the way.

The last 2 days were mainly filled with work, a bit of yoga & train delays. And there was an interview. Yesterday, at that music tv channel. I really can't say how it went, I think I said what they wanted to hear, but all in all the atmosphere wasn't as good & friendly as the one I encountered when I met for the interview at my current job. I haven't heard from them so far, which probably isn't a good sign.

Things at work are changing quite rapidly at the moment, one of my colleages has quit, it looks like there might be a re-shuffle in the team etc. Not sure if that's positive or negative for my cause, I don't really want to compete for the senior exec role with my colleague, who's been there a year but has a lot less experience than I have. If the role's there to apply I will go for it, of course. I'm actually starting to feel slightly stressed again, I don't like things being uncertain like that, especially if it's my money we're talking about.

After all that not doing much on the weekend I've been majorly productive tonight. I came home, did some yoga, dyed my hair (cyber purple, which seems to be neither very cyber nor extremely purple, I'm a bit disappointed), had dinner, did laundry & the dishes, made bed (fresh sheets & duvet cover, hmmmm), attempted watching Howl's Moving Castle but so far have failed (damn you, interwebs).

Tomorrow I'll be going to the IMAX to finally watch Avatar (hooray). Friday I'm going to Planet Angel. Might be spending the rest of the weekend at afterparty & recovering. Or maybe something totally different will happen, just to go with the flow.

Oh, I really don't know at the moment.

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