Tuesday 23 February 2010

In The Sandpit

Yesterday was on of those days that start out quite rubbish & then turn into a day where the rain stops just when you're about to leave work, traffic lights turn green when you approach them & tubes arrive just when you get to the platform (& you get a seat, of course).

I woke up to a minor nail polish disaster - the sparkly stuff that still looked alright when I went to bed had managed to disintegrate overnight & half of it came off in the shower. I wasn't amused. To make matters worse it was a morning where everything just takes that tiny bit longer than usual. I was running spectacularly late once I'd done my usual things & taken off the nail varnish. There was no way I'd even make my "late" train, so I opted to get the tube to Willesden Junction (there's more trains going from there) & wing it.

That's about the point where things started to go right again. The train I would've missed was late, which meant I caught it after all. I just missed the bus when I got to Gunnersbury, but the next one arrived shortly afterwards. At work no one had really noticed that I was 15 minutes late. All good.

We're still extremely busy & that didn't change during the weekend. Still, I managed to get all the stuff done that I needed to do & could leave on time. Which was just as well, as I had places to go.

I took the train to Waterloo & tried to find something to eat before heading to the Royal Festival Hall. Cue a discussion with the guys from Upper Crust who tried to sell me a tuna salad sandwich as being vegetarian (have they started growing tuna on trees, or what?) & a brie, tomato & rocket salad as not containing cheese (we all know that brie is a vegetable, don't we?). I decided to opt for the vegetable yaki soba from Wasabi.

Munching my dinner I arrived at the Spirit Level of the Royal Festival Hall & joined the queue to sign up for games to play at the Sandpit. Unfortunately there were a million people in front of me who obviously didn't have to treck in all the way from Osterley, so by the time I got to the sign up desk all games were already fully booked. Somewhat miffed I had a wonder around to at least get an idea what's on offer so that next time I'd know if it's worth rushing into town after work. I was almost on my way out when I heard that one group was looking for a player as one of the ones who'd signed up hadn't shown up. That's how I became the forth player of Broken Arrow 1.

Our goal was to save a young man from heartbreak by solving riddles, finding people, fighting a pretty scary clown & trading a bottle full of beans for a box of beauty. Our last task involved rustling up a small crowd to create a living picture. We succeeded & the young man was reunited with his love.

It was a fun hour & I made my home smiling to myself. I like when things work out that way.

Today was another busy workday, with a brief moment of pissed-off-ness when I discovered that there were research jobs put on the internet that no one had told me of. For some reason they've decided to look for a research executive to fill the gap my colleague who's a senior research exec is leaving. I also thought that my boss' job was on there as well & was serverely annoyed, but a closer inspection of the role revealed that it was for a sales researcher. I'm tempted to apply for the media research manager job shouldn't there be a suitable content role for me. My boss will be back from holiday next week, so I'm hoping thing will move on a bit then. Otherwise I'll have to active all my recruitment agent contact again & leave.

Tonight's going to be quiet, watching Vampire Diaries on ITV & relaxing. In any case I should not spent any more money, it seems to be flowing through my hands like mad at the moment. I've bought a ticket for Beardyman yesterday (yay!), a momiji doll that was just too cute not to buy & a ticket for the Underground Restaurant we seem to have here in Kilburn. Together with the tickets for the Elysian Project & Planet Angel I bought last week all of this is quite some dosh spent on amusement. It'll all be huge fun, I'm sure, but I'm a bit worried that I'm spending more than what I've got coming in at the moment as my salary's just pathetic.

Judging by my horoscopes which exude large amounts of hope for a better future at the moment all will be fine, but it's probably better to be a tiny bit careful.

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