Sunday 28 February 2010

The Elysian Project


As you could probably guess from lack of updates, the week wasn't particularly eventful. I've managed to get an interview for the upcoming role in my team, which will be better paid (+5k) & permanent (hooray). Now all I have to do is to get the job.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it, but some of the people I know have been busy setting up an event company/music label (The Virus Project) and these people put on a rave on Friday. It was a co-operation with other event organisators, ALAN and Wonderland. I knew it wouldn't be totally my cup of tea music wise, but I was intrigued to find out what they're doing & if they're any good, so I bought a ticket for £10 and, John in tow, ventured down to Vauxhall on Friday.

There was a pretty serious queue going on when we got there, but having advance tickets we were able to jump it. The decoration of the venue was simply amazing. I'm somewhat of a regular at Hidden as most of Planet Angel's parties are there and have seen the venue "naked" (very bleak & dark) & in all kinds of disguises. Angel usually do a great job making it look pretty, but Wonderland must work with magic or something. They transformed a rather dull set of rooms into something resembling a children's book. There were lampshades dangling from the ceiling, a clock you could walk through, random doors, mushrooms you could sit on & tunnels to crawl through. The outside area featured a wishing well & more mushrooms. Apparently the guys who were supposed to run the shisha cafe had got too stoned while setting up & were nowhere to be found. 

The music had it's moments, one of them being Celladore's set which started out a bit weird & transformed into something quite banging halfway through & I think Wingnut would've been great if his set wouldn't have been at 4am when most of us were tired already. But most of the tunes were a tad weird (I'm never going to understand the attraction of Glitch, whatever that is) & while the people were friendly, most of them were also really young. I had a good night, but got a bit bored by the end. My friends must've felt the same as we piled into a taxi & headed for the afterparty way before the event was scheduled to end.

The day passed in a pleasant, somewhat hazy way. We played lots of games & had quite a few giggles, people stayed awake & conscious throughout. The evening ended with us ordering a take-away & me getting the bus home.

I'm feeling a bit tired today & my nose has reached a totally new dimension of blocked, but other than that I'm doing rather well. I've been down to the tube station to renew my travelcard (having forgotten my bank card yesterday), to Holland & Barrett to get tasty vegetarian chorizo, to Boots to get nasal spray & stock up on painkillers and Sainsbury's to get a few bits & bobs for dinner that I'm going to cook either tonight or tomorrow (the latter is currently more likely). I've done the laundry & hoovered my room, even translated a quick email for John. One wouldn't guess that it's an after-afterparty Sunday, really. 

Next week's plans so far are a visit to the angelic planet on Friday & of course that interview on Tuesday. I've turned down a free ticket to see Mama Mia tomorrow from Lynn because, frankly, I don't think I'd be able to survive two hours of ABBA tunes without going mental. 

All in all, things are pretty good (but I'd still like to add a little whinge about being single...).

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