Sunday 7 February 2010

Cheerfully Psychotic & Dangerously Cute


Avatar on Thursday was great, but deserves a separate, less sleep deprived entry. I've got home about an hour ago, after leaving last night (Friday) around 10pm. 

Had a nice lie-in Friday morning, after arriving back home in the early hours still buzzing a little bit from the amazing IMAX Avatar session. The afternoon at work was quiet, had another little chat with my boss who basically let me know that he's put in a good word for me with his boss and suggested I have a talk with her in the next two weeks, because he probably won't be able to influence things as he's taken on a new role within the company. So now there's 2 jobs going in my team, one as SRE and one as manager. Eeeep. Haven't heard back from the interview so am assuming I won't be going for a second round. Still, the mind boggles.

As per my usual routine & after looking forward to Planet Angel for most of January, I couldn't really be bothered to go on the actual night. Had a minor wardrobe crisis, brought on by the 3 kgs gained over Christmas that have simply refused to shift so far. Decided on something pretty low-key, but managed to do my hair rather nice with braids & ponytail. Then listened to uplifting music & dragged myself out of the house & in the broad direction of Vauxhall. Arrived at the venue at 11pm, it wasn't particularly busy, said hi to all the people I know & got sent to the mustard cress & wish workshop. Fraser competently & in his usual random fashion led me through the steps of making a wish, putting it into a test tube, adding damp cotton bud & seeds. Then hope for the best. 

I seem to have done something right, coz a nice young man materialized just minutes after I put the lid on my bright orange test tube (I also got called dangerously cute by a girl I chatted to, not sure if that was related as well). We got chatting & subsequently spent most of the night together. I think I totally confused the dancefloors, hence spent too much time on the wrong one wondering why the music was so shite. It obviously didn't occur to me to check the other one. Anyway, we talked a lot & kissed a little and he invited me over to his for a post-party cuddle & movie. I made my usual speech, pointing out that if he's looking for a ONS he'd have to go look somewhere else, which didn't make him run away (!) but instead point out that he wasn't expecting any of this. More kissing & talking ensued and we left for the Docklands sometime around 5 or so. 

He put on "Inglorious Basterds" (really don't see why that movie is great, it was dead boring), we snuggled up on the couch & had an extend cuddle session. Nothing more. Towards the end of the movie he fell asleep in my arms, I waited until the credits rolled & then got ready to leave. Numbers were exchanged (with a little hint from me that if he wants to see me again he'd probably need it, I really hope it was post-party forgetfulness & doesn't mean he's not interested in me) & I left for the bus to take me to Canary Wharf station. From there I called The Zoo, where everyone was still alive & kicking, so I made my way up north & arrived munching baclava at 9am. The afterparty was in full swing, lots more people there than I'd expected. And it was very good! People stayed alive & talkative, I got hugs & a massage, pizza was ordered in the evening & generally a grand time was had. I even got a text from the gentleman from PA. All in all a very pleasant development after my rather irritating confusion earlier.

I'm pretty tired now, but not sure if I'm tired enough to sleep just yet. Out of experience it's no use to try catch the ZZZs before I'm sleepy, so I'll probably spend some more time on the interwebs until I am. I have all of today (Sunday) to recover, I don't feel too wasted so I'm hoping all will be fine. 

Let's see what the morning brings.

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